Madison County 4H Fair 2023 Sponsor Alexandria Kiwanis

Kenny’s Countdown  


Kenny’s Countdown  


Kenny’s Countdown  


Alexandria Kiwanis Club

Alexandria Kiwanis
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. The name “Kiwanis” means “we trade” or “we share our talents”. It was coined from an American Indiana expression, Nunc Kee-wanis.
Kiwanians are volunteers changing the world through service to children and communities. Members help shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, mentor the disadvantaged, and care for the sick. They develop youth as leaders, build playgrounds, raise funds for pediatric research, and much more. No problem is too big or too small because working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. When you give a child a chance to learn, experience, dream, and succeed, great things happen!

Alexandria Kiwanis Club received it’s International Charter June 27, 1929. The first fair was financed by the Anderson Kiwanis in 1929, and in 1930 the fair was moved to Beulah Park in Alexandria and the Alexandria Kiwanis financed the fair. In 1948 the Alex Kiwanis purchased 5 acres east of the park for the new 4H home, and through the following years have built all 8 of the buildings you now visit each year at the fair.

Through the years Kiwanis have provided for 4H and Alexandria.
    • 1930 & 1931 Alex K. financed 4-H Fair during beginning of “Great Depression”.
    • 1930 provided 150 street signs for Alex.
    • 1942 Fair included programs, concessions, entertainment, exhibits.
    • Playground equipment, blacktop, lighting, signs, etc. for Park financed by Kiwanis.
    • 1942 Christian Congregation & Epworth Churches 1st to host food tents.
    • 1949 no fair due to Polio.

    Hosting the Madison County 4-H Fair every summer is just one example of an invaluable service for youth countywide, that the Alexandria Kiwanis supports. Included in the many sponsored activities during fair week are two featuring county youth, the Queen’s Contest and Cheerleading Contest. During the remainder of the year, the Alexandria Kiwanis provides college scholarships to two Alexandria seniors, raises money for Riley’s Children’s Hospital, and donates to local causes.

    Again, keeping with its mission, the Alexandria Kiwanis came forth when the need presented itself by donating $1,400 to “Save the Summer” a local fund raising campaign to retain the Alexandria Swimming Pool. “It’s important for our kids to have somewhere safe and fun they can go in the summer,” says member Nena Coppock. With a unanimous vote, the group made the decision to donate to this worthy cause.

    Internationally Each Year, Clubs:
    • Sponsor nearly 150,000 service projects.
    • Raise more than $107 million.

    Locally Each Year, Alex:
    • Sponsors the County 4-H Fair
    • Awards Multiple Scholarships
    • Recognizes Academic Achievement
    • Sponsors the Santa Cottage
    • Partners with County Extension Agents
    • Provides Improvements to Beulah Park.

    Results globally: Members and clubs have contributed more than $80 million toward the global elimination of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), the leading preventable cause of mental retardation.

    Results locally: Thousands of youth, hundreds of families, numerous communities, and a small group of dedicated volunteers are blessed through acts of citizenship, opportunities for learning, and gifts of care.

    For information on how you too can join Kiwanis in their efforts for the children of our community, contact Jack Armstrong 765-724-4564

    Mailing Address:
    Alexandria Kiwanis
    PO Box 54
    Alexandria, IN 46001