The Larry Maynard Memorial Car & Bike Show is a “lady-ran car show” and is always free to enter!
No need to register in advance. You can sign up your car when you arrive at the fair!
Donations will go towards helping us to create a trade school scholarship that begins this year!
On the last day of the fair (Saturday, July 26th) will be the Larry Maynard Memorial Car & Bike Show held on the fairgrounds in front of the pool house along highway 9.
This car show began in 2017 at the Alexandria Grand Prix. It was moved to the county fair in 2021. It is free for anyone to enter their car, though donations are welcomed and will go directly to the Alexandria Kiwanis is a 501(c3) and be used to create a trade school scholarship! This car show is not possible without our sponsors. It is a great chance to get your brand name in front of a lot of eyes.
The deadline to become a sponsor is May 1st to allow enough time to create the banners that will hang on the fence along highway 9 as well as advertisement material with sponsor names.
Larry Maynard was The Car Guy of his time. He was a swap meet vendor at the very first James Dean festival in Fairmount, Indiana in 1979. I wasn’t even a half year old yet, and he spent the weekend in Fairmount. As the years began to pass by faster and in a blur, he began to stop going to various car shows and swap meets. Little by little, his tour whittled away to only 1 show a year and that show, the James Dean Festival the last weekend in September. He was a vendor there every year beginning in 1979 with his last set up being in 2015. He could find any car part for any car. He seemed to have so many connections and great deals. He always priced himself low (sometimes too low) because he believed that you should always “leave meat on the bone for the next guy.” Not only was he a swap meet vendor that was well known around the state of Indiana, he was also a talented paint and body guy and built some beautiful cars.
This car show is in his memory. He was also once a vendor at the Kiwanis Madison County 4H Fair for a few years before age really made the summer set up too hard on his body. He loved it there. He loved connecting with people and being a part of something that brought so many joy.